Friday, November 17, 2006

Is Love by nature manipulative?

I wanted to do one of those monday sucks posts, but really this monday does not suck. Well Man u won (again!), Arsenal drew( again-ha ha ha ha!) Liverpool drew (and am sure they are very very happy about the draw ama aje Aco?) am not mentioning chelsea couz they are not really a footbal club

Anyway, have you ever seen a couple who have nothing in common paka you are like: "aiii, how now?" Well its the love manipulation. Everybody develops multiple personalities when they are in love. They become a different person.

Let me start with love itself: You have been going out with this person for say one month, then suddenly they turn to you and say "I love you", For the mamas the first thoughts will be "thank God he said it first" but for the jamaas it will be "Damn, Am I supposed to say it back?" And Boom right there is the first love manipulation. You can't very well say "thank you very much" or "you're welcome" Of course you have to say "I love yu too" in that shy whispering voice that this words often seem to bring out in everyone.

Now once those words are said, there really is no turning back. Your will is no longer your own. No body other than someone you love can make you wear that red dress over and over and over. (because he said you look good in it- so you keep wearing the dress to please him). Look at how many girls watch soccer without really understanding why Graham Poll was sent home during the world cup.

Why is it that you would kick your friends ass from here to Timbuktu if he suggested you watch cuando ses Mia, but you would gladly watch it with your latest mama? Arent we then manipulated to be who we are not? And its not compromise.

SEX: Anyone who has ever had a one night stand (ONS) will tell you that it easier to give traffic like instructions to someone you know you will never see again, than to someone you will need to share a glass of orange juice with the next morning. WHY? because you do not care what the ONS thinks, but you would want your lover to think the best of you. Chances are you probably enjoyed the ONS alot more!

It is probably why so many people cheat on their partners, they are not allowed to be themselves, the minute you decide to tell your partner that you actually really really like oral sex or you really don't like sex in the morning "you have changed soo much" while infact you haven't changed, that was the manipulated you!

Tears: Enuff said!

Thought: why do all those chicks in porn flicks wear a chain with a heart on it?


kipepeo said...

interesting observation on the heart chains...and who chooses the soundtracks to those things? they should be fired! Anyway, good post...that's actually true. women don't sleep in their usual stockings anymore with their men, they never just let loose and be who they usually are...true true true...

Anonymous said...

Man U are still hanging on at the top of the table. How long can can they keep it up. To the finals i hope.

You are on point with your observations. I have said 'thank you' since i did not share the feeling and ducked just in time to avoid a slap in the face. Another time i said I love you, things went downhill all the way. Stuff that she would let go, became major issues, and so forth.

Why is it that when we get into a relationship and grow into love we wish to 'own' the other party and mould them into your own puppet to command and do with as you wish.

And about those heart pendants, usually too busy watching other activities, flora and fauna to notice jewellery.

Half 'n' half said...

never thot about the music, you are right, they probably believe no one can hear it above the hmmmm, ahhhmmm

Man u WILL stay at the top (at least till next sunday when we meet drogba.
LOL at the flora and fauna. Ati you said thank you?

Anonymous said...

Go ManU !! ... and just for the record - Drogba is no match for Ferdinand (uhm, when he's awake)

Love is by its very nature manipulative ... too true, maybe becoz deep down we all recognize that unconditional love is a Myth, you earn love and wont do anything that will deduct points from your account.

Acolyte said...

I would have preferred a win, but you make do with what you get.
I have been in relationships and after the glow faded and I realised that there was little in common. It was time to get with the stepping.
Those 3 words are very powerful and can lead to many problems.
As for one night stands you said it pretty well. You can let loose and get as freaky as you want with no consequences.
The women I have seen in porn movies either keep their heels on or have a silk neck scarf.But that was a long time back before I changed my ways!

Juju said...

hmm, I am pretty keen on enjoying sex, so I make sure my partner knows how I feel... there is nice ways of going about it without letting them feel bad. ONS-- dont work for me... I have to feel someone before I can be naked b4 them :)


I have to agree with your post. Love makes you do stupid things. The trick is catching them before things get too crazy.
I have said "thanks" to those 3 words. What are you supposed to do when you are not on the same boat? It's better than lying.

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