Tuesday, December 05, 2006

GOING HOME! Year wrap

Finally the year is coming to an end. It has been one hell of a year. Round up of my year so far?

Met a wonderful, wonderful man! That has to rank above everything else for me this year. After being hurt soo badly (may he rot in hell) , I had given up on love and when I was least expecting it, I find happiness and love. And while still on the topic of being hurt, Karma did pay a visit to the dude. (wonder if it camped there ama it has moved on? )

I joined KBW. Where I met many many wonderful blogger/writers. Who made life more bearable for me, I have laughed, felt sad, received some advice on some tricky situations, learnt something about the money market (trust me the fact that I know those words is an achievementin itself). Adrian was actually the first blogger to ever comment on my blog. The first post I wrote did not have any comments and it made me extremely sad (yeah am not one of those people who claim ati they write for themselves. BULL!) It actually matters to me whether or not people comment on my blog. So Adrian Ahsante, you made my day and made me not give up on blogging. And eventually got addicted to it!

Got promoted! After slogging at the bottom and getting orders from twits who just happened to be of the same tribe as the decision makers, I finally got promoted and now I get to give orders to people who think am the twit who got promoted because I belong to the same tribe as the boss! LOL

I got 2 new nephews this year. Lucky for their mothers am away sooo much therefore I cannot spoil them as much as I would want to. Aren't kids beautiful especially when you can return them to the owner when they poo or start crying?

Kesho I take off from here headed for kenya! to be honest, am not sure I want to come back. I can't take this anymore. Am tired of all the poverty, hunger, fighting and general suffering. I don't want to be one of those people who can not live regular lives. Apparently there are some people who thrive in tough situations, sadly I am not one of those people.

I miss discos, bars, TV- watching (as opposed to listening to) football. I can't stand to see all the pubescent girls being married off to some 60 year old and then inherited by the sons when the mzee dies! But the thing I cant stand the most is the fact that whatever I (we) do is just a drop in the ocean. The hunger and poverty continues. So maybe after I have been in nairobi, around the affluent people, I might get fed up with the wastage of our politicians and come back to a simpler life! Never know. Will keep you posted.

So next time you read anything from me will be from Nairobi.

Enjoy yourselves Y'all and I will pass your greetings to ODM!