Thursday, July 19, 2007

Patting myself on the back!

Hey Y'all...........
I know, I know. But life is hard when you are living in the bush.
But me like many others before me have lost blog Mojo! so I am writing this to inform everyone that I have lost blog mojo ( seeeee!)

Anyways, to all my cheering fans, I would like to update you and tell you that I have still not visited Koinange street! Meaning am still smoke free! (jig). Six weeks and counting ( sticking tongue out at all Doubting Thomases)

As for that idiot! (yeah that one- previous post) you will all be very proud to know that I have not yielded to tempation. He is still in the past!

And since this post is titled Patting my self, let me do the final pat by saying am still on the Bilaz train! (yes it is a good thing)

Ok enjoy yourselves....
BTW what happened to Sis bigbones? Any ideas?