Friday, July 21, 2006

Been tagged: EVIL !!!

Got back from home(ooh bliss) and what do I find? I have been tagged!
so here goes:

Post six weird facts/habits about yourself. These cannot be used against you later on.
At the bottom name the six people you will tag next.
Leave them a comment to let them know they’ve been tagged and to read your blog.

1. I feel nothing for shoes and clothes, for me they are an evil neccesity. If I could I would walk bila clothes especially a bra (yuck) worst invention ever. I think I own 3 pairs of shoes (including bathroom slippers!)

2. Francis (sky news weather man) I find totally hot. The way the man reads the weather is unmarched. (goose bumps)

3. I absolutely HATE men (those who have an interest) who call all the time, "hi, how are you? Just wanted to find out how you are doing". Every few hours or so. its annoying and irritating. However if he doesnt call for a day I will get extremely annoyed. In short I dont want him, but I dont want him to stop callling either. I find it difficult wanting a man who REALLY wants me. On that note I have had 4 different men say to me, "I wish I was not married" but have never had any single man say "thank God you are not married" hmmmm wonder why?

4. I sulk (need I say more)

5. Iam very fickle. I will obsess about something for a while, then......nothing. I will go through a phase of really loving something for example I have more than 50 towels- I went through a phase of acquiring them, then it stopped, now am into pajamas. Iam up to 6 pairs. This happens with everything in my life, food, men, TV shows, books/authors. Everything.

6. I find some silly things extremly hillarious. There is a thing I call Tv in a TV. This is when you are watching TV and the character is watching TV. Thus TV in a TV get it? . One time I got TV in a TV in a TV, as in the character in the TV was watching TV and the character......ooooh never mind. My family think am weired. But its funny. I laugh even at sad things, even when am crying, I can start laughing/giggling.

warning, stereotypical racy joke coming up
Onyango and mueni were on a beach holiday. They decided to get some in the ocean. Mueni went down (you know suck) on Onyango. At that crucial point onyango saw a shark coming. So he started screaming at Mueni: " Mueni SAAARK" Mueni not familiar with the sh/s luo issues sucked really hard........
And that is why Kambas dont like the ocean.

And should I really inflict this on anyone? Ok here goes, any luo man and Kamba woman out there??? Go On consider yourself TAGGED