Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Finally arrived home - yes a long time ago, but had to attend some boring boring one week long meeting, What is the point of coming home if I can't avoid meetings.

But I gotta say am very very excited to be home, now that I have officially started my drink fest (also sometimes called holidays)

It's so good to be home. I have made some resolutions to help me get through the holiday period:


2. I know its over, but I will not talk about project fame except to advice that Alvin guy (or whatever his name was) That he has a really really bright future as a one man guitar! The one time I actually watched the thing, I could picture him at Roosters. And as for Ian, a guy has issues!

3. I will not go out with ANYONE who drinks and drives!

4. I will not talk to my boss!

5. I will try to get some sort of exercise everyday

6. I will tell everyone who has been good to me this year, Thank you. (on that note let me start, THANK YOU KBW members)

7. I will let non-entities bother me

8. I will love my man to bits

9. I will be good to my village relatives.

10. And finally I will keep safe and pray that everyone finishes the holidays peacefully and in one piece

Thanks everyone and enjoy your holidays be safe. And remember that Christmas is NOT about SARIT centre but about the birth of Christ