Wednesday, October 11, 2006

can we borrow you reserve goalie to play for us? Best match ever

Yesterday was a public holiday here as well - a different one not moi day. It was a village holiday actually not a nationwide one.

Anyway as part of the celebrations there was a football match between ourselves and another neighbouring team. What ensued was the most hilarious and funnest game I have ever watched.

Each half was supposed to be 35 minutes long. About 15 minutes into the match we realized that the other team had 12 players in the we had to stop the game (very very loudly I might add) and complain to the referee. Who interestingly was a teacher from the opposing side school.

Then the first half went on for like 50 mins. By which point we were all drenched by rain and the players were all muddy.

Second half and again the other team had 12 players. (LOL) the nerve.

Our goalkeeper was by this time too tired to play anymore. So we borrowed the reserve goalie of the other side to play for us. LMAO . After about 45 minutes the other team scored. (WE ARE STICKING WITH THE GOALIE EXCUSE). The referee waited until the other team had scored then he blew the whistle. It was the best game I have ever ever watched.

It was after this match that I realized something. I started watching football way back when, as a way of bonding with my then boyfriend. I actually hated the game at that time and was only watching it to impress and please him.... But even after I broke up with him I did not stop watching football. I was hooked. Yesterday I finally understood that I love football passionately and genuinely. (see girls there is benefit in faking it sometimes)


Anonymous said...


Princess said...


Anonymous said...

Balls and all I may have (pun intended) I never managed to have more than a passive interest in football. But it still is a very engaging game nonetheless.

LOL at you engaging the opposing sides spare goalie and the ref waiting till his team scored before blowing the final whistle.

modoathii said...

reminds me of an alleged match where some team, china or taiwan, changed it's full team at half time. them dudes all look the effing same.

soccer's a great game (i've seen greater). can i get an AMEN (half-hearted will do)?