Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I am addicted

Today I was reading this and two things came to mind:
First Pole for having to watch Tyra Banks.
Secondly, Iam that woman..........I am addicted to blogging/internet. This is a sad undeniable fact. Sample my day:

Get to the office, set up work place (switch on comp, get out books blah blah blah)

Open the first tab - I always start this way because I promise myself that I will only use one tab to check my mail then start work.

Getting extrememly pissed off because one tab takes too long to check all my 4 addresses.

Tell myself I will open just one more to make it faster, as in the sooner I finish checking my mail, the sooner I will start actual work.

In about 10 mins I will have about 6-7 tabs open and one or two of this will be KBW.

Then I will say to myself, "............. (insert my name here) you will not read any new postings, you go back to jana's posts then on you move"

By 1.00pm I have broken all my promises to myself, and I will have read and made comments on every post that interests me. By which time it is time for lunch. And the same process will repeat after lunch.

If that doesnt convince you maybe this will:
Jana we had a couple of drinks (just couz we could) I went back to my room and wrote a really really really explicit post....... I was turning absolutely red when I read it this morning. You should all thank your lucky stars that we have no internet at nite.

OH MY GOD, I SHOULB BE FIRED... really I should.


SisBigBones said...

I sure hope I don't become addicted, seeing as I just started. Sometimes it does feel like you have so much to write, and other times you just want to read everything. This is my second day as a blogger and I've definitely spent more time on KBW than I should, but what the hell? :)

Anonymous said...

Woman..looool can I please borrow some of your blog mojo ?

Anonymous said...

Dayum, looks like I have to convince you to bring some cham for lunch so you could get all saucy.

Do it!

Ichiena said...

You and me both, you and me both. i log in to check mail and leave 3 hours later. Methinks i'll have no finger prints by the end of the month. He...we are now BA graduates - Blogaholics Anonymous...

Princess said...

KBW blogs are interesting and blogging is addictive. However, I am still productive so I don't feel guilty.

Acolyte said...

Seems Im not the only one with blog fever!

Girl in the Meadow said...

And me too. I am very unfortunate to be thoroughly underworked now.

Bloggin should be banned!

And things have slowed down now, a year ago there was a massive collective blog fever..its not the same

But enyewe blogging is so super addictive

Girl in the Meadow said...

And your question of who is more annoying?

All of them. But i figure

Anonymous is the mother of all annoying to bloggers. Ashindwe anonymous

What do you people say

Girl in the Meadow said...

Sorry i had not seen the Me,
No you are not annoying. Smittaski is funny sometimes. Aiich Kibs can be annoying especially when you want him to comment on issues of national importance then he goes like Pumbavu

modoathii said...

hi, my name is modoathii and i'm a blogaholic.

(hi modoathii)

yaani, i had no care for blogging last year, but an email with KC piece on kenya, and a bored day at the office, got me grabbing the "blog express". nimeshindwa kutoka.

KBW has nutcases.

right now i have an urgent brief on me desk but here i am...

thank you.

Half 'n' half said...

@ sisBigbones:
Welcome to KBW and then Run sis run while you still can. Get back to me in about 2 months.

@ D1: yes and yes

@ makanga: Once just once !!!!!! that post shall remain safely tucked in my hidden folders

makes it easier to continue blogging if you accept that you are addicted no?

@princess: Ngoja tu

@ Aco: You are on another level

@Shiroh: ati you are unfortunate? how again? And anon is super annoying

@ modo: *clap clap clap* Welcome modoathii..........LOL

Ok this blogaddict is off to do some actual work

Anonymous said...

I get into the office at 7 in the morning then blog till 10am on a good day, on a bad one, I do not stop till 7pm when I leave. I wonder how my boss has not caught on?