Monday, May 28, 2007

Beautiful weekend! but still on strokes! (sorry strike)

I thought I would never again post here, but Hey! life happens........still waiting to join the web ring!

Any who's.......I had the best weekend in the longest time. Initially I was at a loss about what to do with myself! See my life is very dependant on two things:
the radio and the Internet! The radio only because I can listen to football! but as everyone knows its the beginning of a long and boring soccerless life. I feel nothing for rugby or round us aka baseball.

So there I was twiddling my thumbs, and having a boring ass discussion about the May blue moon. And then (*drum rolls* ) the creature from out of this world (previously unknown to all of you) makes an appearance with the most beautiful phrase in South Sudan:

would you like to go for a drink?
(dude a beer is 250 kshs!)

The man is too beautiful despite the fact the he got me totally and absolutely plastered! The entire weekend....

You know how you meet a man/woman and you could sell you mathe and her chicken and cat to hit it? When you get all hot and bothered just looking at his legs? For the first time EVER the heat/sun was my friend couz people have to wear shorts! This is that man! walahi I coulda sold Y'all had you been there! Heck I probably sold my grandmathe. This is how beautiful this man is: I could have stopped supporting Man U just for one night with this walking, talking temptation!

So did I hit it? (clearing throat)

Don't panic fellow passengers I have a mega rider for the bilaz train! Damn marriage vows!
I didn't even know that people still take those seriously! I mean!

Departure point:
Is it wrong to black out when kamataing strokes? (totally unrelated to my weekend)

Have a great week Y'all and hope next time I post I will be in my new home!


Unknown said...

You had us all tantalized hanging to your every word waiting for a juicy revelation but then you go and leave out all the details!! Damn. Please reveal some more about mystery guy :-)
A: Blacking out anytime before, after or during strokes is a big no no (of course for a chick sometimes it doesn't stop the activities)
Lastly; FAO

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

**after composing himself, remember his last installment of the aftermath of the meet up?** Chew a black out and that is a no no. You shall get tossed out on you behind as soon as your groan as you get out of your stupor hata kama ni 3 am!

Anonymous said...

I am on the bilaz train and I don't even have a view of even legs...woiye si you send me a leg...if only just to drool over!!! pretty please....

Ichiena said...

kipepeo you are mad - haki. LOL!

NusuNusu taking a break from blogiday to floss about an almost alighting station.

Sleeping while at it - si that can be taken to mean the other person is doing wack? Ama?

Half 'n' half said...

@ Kirima:
LOL! sideways!
kwani si bora you continue!

ROFL he he he he!

checki email, leg coming your way!

LOL, I think soo tu.

Nakeel said...

Blacking in the act mami thats dhambi to me. Must be a boring one then.

So you almost alighted ok point seen.
@Kips only the leg yaani...

Chatterly said...

black out while kamataing strokes? that must be one lousy lay hehehehe!

Prousette said...

There shall be no falling asleep on the job it does not matter how sleepy you are!

Princess said...

If a person falls asleep then there is a clear disconnect between the two...definite no-no!!

bantutu said...

Boy wa mwisho to round it up...Heheheeheh!! Ati black out...Kwa uli haemorrhage? Heheheheh!!! Mekanika?