Monday, January 29, 2007

Shite of a weeekend

I already hate 2007............why you ask?

I distinctly remember ordering for a happy 2007. In fact I can vividly remember being woken up in the middle of the night on 31/12 /06 by text messages ordering me to have a happy new year. I was very specific complete with details. I was not ambiguous. My order went something like
1. Keep me alive in 2007
2. Keep me employed
3. Still be in love
4. Keep me healthy in 2007
5. Let "him" still be normal in 2007
6. And many more such like specific orders

How can that possibly be confusing. If I go to a bar and order for a beer, then I can understand if the bar man/ woman brings me Guinness- Non specific. But if I order for a Tusker Malt, then I bloody well want a Tusker Malt......

So why did I not get what I ordered for? Look again at number 5. I said normal! How does drinking alcohol in the morning (AT 7 AM) count as normal? Where is smoking 2 packets of cigarettes a day normal? I do not give a Fuck if you are on leave. Drinking before you even brush your teeth is wrong in my eyes and surely in the eyes of God and my ancestors! Musa Nyandusi himself will be turning over in his grave if I didn't kick this twit to the curb!

Ok you may have gathered by now that what I thought was a normal man, turned out to be CRAZY!! I smoke (yeah I know harmful to health and all) but seriously 2 packets a day is employing too many people at B.A.T.

I don't care whether two weeks ago I thought the sun rose and set on your ***. I will NOT subject myself to such crap. So over the weekend I told that man that it was sooo over. I have very irrational reactions to alcohol.

The strangest part is that am not sad or weepy (actually I never get weepy). But its as if the whole relationship never happened. I have never in my entire life had such a civilized break up. Maybe he is too full of alcohol to realize that he no longer has a girl friend. Aaaaach!
I am I over reacting or being over sensitive? Or dear God nit picking?


Anonymous said...

Pole sana dada! The earlier sorted the better... It gives room for nicer 'things' and nicer 'things' would never occupy a space that is already occupied.

But this is not to say that all else of 2007 will go wrong!
And better luck next time...

Anonymous said...

Wow - you never get weepy - what's your secret? just had meself an awful (read weepy - well, inside at least) morning.
On the upside, tho', ManU made a good showing of themselves this time round.

Anonymous said...

No one drinks as soon as they wake up. There must have been a problem that he wasn't sharing with you and though it sounds cheesy you may have made a hasty decision without getting to the bottom of the matter. I would like to think that we are all inherently good and it's the circumstances surrounding us that shape our behavior.

Anonymous said...

Don't even know wetha to congratulate you or console you...hihi!! Lakini wass with all this anti-Valentino mood goin' on....Wisdom from the Bantu...Be content wi...Ok. I don't disperse empty like "his" last beer conquest...
You pull least 1-4 ziko order...

gishungwa said...

mamie pole sana or is it phewks! anyway no that that is done moving on swiftly should be able to find a "normal" man and send one my way if they are a pair LOL

Nakeel said...

Now mami pole about that and I feel the earlier the better you know what you want and dont take anything less than that.

Anonymous said...

Thwack! Kick him to the kerb. 7 am! Kweli, make room for a better sampuli to come along. Hope the rest of the requests are granted dearie.

Acolyte said...

A time to move on comes. The only time it is acceptable to drink before you brush your teeth is if you were in the club all night and are still there. But as for the smoking, now that is one pathetic habit!
Take a break and chill out, romance is not a must!

Princess said...

7am is pretty early to be drinking and two packs a day is a liitle much!! Perhaps there is something bothering him!! The year can only get is just the beginning of the year!!

Girl next door said...

Everyone has a limit and you obviously reached yours. It takes courage to recognize what kind of b.s. you won't put up with and act on it. Some habits are red flags.

Milonare said...

Assi. Kicked to the kerb becos of keroro and fegi? Kwanza when on leave and in the new year spirit?

Then again, he must have already been warned...

Pole quarter mbili n quarter mbili.

Keep your head up!

Half 'n' half said...

at least it happened in january, I can spend the rest of the year being happy

@ Mia
I seriously don't get weepy, don't know why but I prefer it that way.

@ Anon
Be that as it may (I have always wanted to say that!)Once I can stand it but over and over? hapana

yeah 1-4 better stay that way! And no you really can't give advice!

@ Gishungwa
Iam starting to believe normal man is an oxymoron!

They had better be granted, otherwise let us just skip to 2010 and watch the world cup

I do believe I agree with you, romance isn't a must.

@ Princess
Can I come and live in your new house? surely things can not get any worse no?

I have serious serious issues with alcohol! I can stand anything (well most anything) but alcohol is a definate no no

and where was I when you came back? werokamu! and thank you

Thanks everyone for the kind words

modoathii said...

that guy sounds like a bar...alcohol in the cocks and zales like crazy? eish. he's pinting even before guys can do stock-taking.

i feel you kiasi...kuna vile even i have managed to reach my limit.

don't cry? kwani your tear storage tank was chomolewad

strong mummy strong. i'm with aco, si lazima...

Prousette said...

Pole mami am sure all shall be well now that you have started by getting rid of excesses.

He really is over the top alcohol at 7am??

Half 'n' half said...

@ Modo:
you have been lost!
He he he
he was a bar! I do cry but over things like some one died and such. but those ones of crying ati at a movie, SHEESH its a movie!

Seriously he did start a 7 am and I thought it was over excitement the first time, but no's 2,3,4 and it stopped being funny

Anonymous said...

did u check milk supply in the fridge?man was thirsty. only beer was available.maybe?
seems i am the only one taking sides with this guy.give him a chance to explain his behaviour, then kick him out! 2007 is year of change. hope your change will be better and make u happy(er).

Juju said...

dear, pole.. been gone for a minute so had no idea..... . as Lady B says, "to the left", kuna wengine... all the same, was it just once? ama it has become a habit? coz pengine kuna shida, and u guys might want to talk it out?

Jadekitten said...

"I will NOT subject myself to such crap"... And you should not... In true 'wasaperes' style... 'Out nĂ­ nja'..(That 1 ain't directly translatable into Queen's language but basically means....out is out..LOL)

jamaapoa said...

your order could still be in order. at least he was 'normal' early enough in the year and u had to decide whether to tolerate that 'normality'. that's your love right. don't give up on no.3 and do not let no.5 destroy no.3. u still got 11 mons to have your full order honoured satisfactorily. look beyond 'him' if need be.

Anonymous said...

Alcohol at 7 in the morning?! Hmm ... Maybe there's something in barley ...

Half 'n' half said...

You are in the minority! Sina energy to talk... anymore. Wacha aende

while I hate B I agree with her.

@ Jade
He is definately gone. (I don't think he has realised it though)

@ JP
Hey Long time
God I hope the 11 moons are way better than this one

Yes there is something in Fermented barley

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It's been long since was here bt am back!!!

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