Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Things that make me go GRRRRRr

Not talking really big life changing things like war, domestic violence and drunk driving. No, just the small things that make you really really annoyed irrationally.

  1. Ladies who can’t decide whether they want a long or a short skirt/or long or short slit. You know the ones who wear short short skirts then when they sit down they start clawing the skirt as if the effort will make the skirt any longer than it was when you left home. If you need to claw at the skirt then it was too short for you to begin with. If you were comfortable with the skirt the way it was trust me you wouldn’t need to claw at it.

  1. Pot bellied men. If I can spend hours in the gym, why shouldn’t you? (Another secret here, sex with a potbellied man is soooo not good. The logistics of it is way too complicated, just think about it, potbelly makes the hhmm, aaahh about 3 inches shorter)

  1. Horizontal appointments AKA shagging your way to the top: This may fall into the category of life changing things depending on if you are the appointer or appointee. Ladies believe me a horizontal appointment may be the easiest way to get up the career ladder, but it’s the least fulfilling. However qualified you maybe (on the other hand if you are qualified you don’t need a horizontal appointment), no one will ever EVER respect you. And you are giving hard workingwomen all over the world a bad name.

  1. Kenya Power, Kenya Water, Kenya parliament, Kenya (fill in the blanks). The sheer incompetence of these people is enough to make you look for tax evasion loopholes. Kenyan Roads. The only thing that doesn’t annoy is probably the Kenyan People. (and KBW of course)

  1. Visible thongs/G-strings/panty lines and bra lines. Back to the ladies again. There is a reason why they are called UNDERWEAR. And let me just finish with ladies dressing once and for all, the black liner on your lips with red lipstick, is not a fashion statement. It makes your mouth look like a rubber stamp.

  1. Psssssst, Pssssst, Psssssst, Is no ones name. Not even in the former Russian block where they seem to have a shortage of vowels. It’s flattering but annoying when it goes on for too long.

  1. Lingala………….It is too monotonous. It feels like the same song sang over and over and over but by a different person.

Iam sure there are many more but don’t want to sound too grouchy or like a sour puss.

But what makes you go GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


Anonymous said...

LOL...@rubber stamp. I totally feel you on that one. Chicks who dont know how to apply make-up from Adam and look wack. Scary shyte in my books.

The things that makes me go GGGGRRRRR are bad customer service and queue jumping.

Spidey/Tato said...

signin up to the gym stat! lol

i so hate that whole pssssst business...hmmm u may have inspired a post out of me and my blog block

Anonymous said...

I so feel your points...
1.This irritates me to no-end!I once passed a safety pin to a girl who was fiddling with her slit!
2.I have a very small gut at the moment and it pisses me off to no end!If you are under 50 you must have a flat stomach as a man!Plus you are right about the shag thing, a dude can smother you with his paunch in bed!
3.These suck for both men and women!You end up having men who are just horn dogs and unqualified staff while women with good morals and hard working men are left behind!
4.The efficiency here jazzed me to no end!If we did even half of that in Kenya we would be miles ahead of where we are now!
5.Those piss me off too!Like when a chic where's a black bra in a white transparent top.We dont want to see your undies!
6.Haven't heard that since I got here!
7.Lingala doesnt beat benga!Those songs are like 10 mins long and climax for 5 mins!

Msanii_XL said...

Lingala monotonous?

try reggeaton that silly ass drum pattern for every damn song...arrghhh!

Adrian said...

had to smile at the "psssst pssssst". nobody does it out here. sometimes i kind of miss it...

Prousette said...

Aie... LOL @ the shortening effect of the paunch. Someone calls it a public opinion for reasons that are not clear to me.
Cannot stand strangers who do not maintain a respectable X-tian distance from others especially in queues and public places.

Half 'n' half said...

@ Mocha: makeup is not compulsory and anyone who doesnt know how to use it should leave it.

@ Nick: Cant wait to hear what makes you go nuts!! that should be interesting

@Aco: Am sure you miss the pssst! Agreed on the Benga just when you are set for some peace kumbe the song has just started....

@ Msanii: when it started reaggeaton was quiet good (read dancable) then suddenly every song that was released had a reaggeaton version.

@ Adrian: Its kinda nice at the beggining.

@Kagz: true true especially a guy with one long nail, Iam sooo convinced that he must be dubious

@ Prousette: It used to be called that couz It signified wealth: ati you can only maintain such a paunch if you are rich. Sheesh.

Chatterly said...

lol@mouth like rubberstamp....then the supuu feels hot like fire eishhh. Or shaving off all your eyebrows only to draw a hideous line with a black eye-pencil!!Now that is just arrrrrgh!

What about wearing tight trousers with panties that are soo tight that they divide the butt chicks into four??? eeeeeek!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

why is it that pot-bellied men also have other ingratiating habits? like walking around with tooth-picks hanging out of the side of their mouth and belching at inopportune moments?
nice piece.

Rista said...
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